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November 1, 2017
Hey there, gorgeous gumdrops! Get ready for another sweet dose of cosmic consciousness straight from the Galactic Goddess herself, Remy Ramirez. This month, a Full Moon in Taurus has us breaking through and redefining mentalities of small thinking. Later in November, a New Moon in Scorpio will inspire us to look within to begin to make even more positive ch-ch-changes. Both of these astral occurrences have the potential to influence and impact our personal relationships though, so keep your eyes peeled for some bullshit…no pun intended. Note: The full moon happens at 10pm on the 3rd PST, so if you’re on the east coast, it will actually happen very early on the 4th.
Hey Scorp! It’s your month, and meeting your match is on the itinerary. A full moon in Taurus on the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast) lands in your house of partnerships and is influenced by Venus in Libra—the sign that LURVES partnership. All cosmic signs point to attracting your perma-boo, taking things to the next level with bae, getting your BFF on, or finding a biz partner. A word of warning: this moon falls sextile to Neptune, so be on the lookout for deception in relationships, manipulation, or things generally not being what they seem. Though on the other hand, Neptune’s watery energy might usher in a sweet, empathetic vibe, which could have a uniting, magnetic effect. Whatever’s going on, use that spot-on Scorpio seeing power to pierce through any potential bullshit and zero in on legit, high-vibration peeps. On the 18th, a new moon lands in Scorpio (holla!), and links up with the trine between Saturn and Uranus going down on the 11th. This will give you a huge boost in creating order out of chaos in your physical world, your thoughts, and in your feels. FOR SURE create an intentions list on this day to usher in the specific things you want to see come into your life in the next month and year—the linear list format will be supes favored by this trine. One last weird thing: this new moon lands in opposition to a newly discovered planet, Sedna, which astrologers believe to be related to global warming. Watch out for something climate-change related on this day too, boo, and let’s all welcome Sedna into the mix with some srs cool temp. visualizations.
Oh hey, sexy Sag! A full moon in indulgent Taurus lands in your house of sex (yes, there’s a house for that) on the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast). The plot thickens though: this house also oversees personal transformation and other people’s money (loans, inheritances, etc.). Venus in Libra will be influencing this moon, sending off strong boo thang signals, and it will sextile watery Neptune, bringing deep feels with it. Expect extra sensuality and sexy times with someone whose empathetic energy may have a healing effect on you. Be careful of Neptune though—it can bring deception and manipulation if afflicted, and ain’t nobody got time for that. Make sure you’re fully sussing people out before giving your heart away. Also heads up that anyone who’s lending you money right now might not be legit, or might be attaching hella strings—if you can, I’d hold off on any loans till next month. A new moon in Scorpio on the 18th lands in your 2nd house, which also deals with money. This new moon is being influenced by the Saturn/Uranus trine from the 11th, which will bring stability and order, no matter how effed or chaotic a situation is. The power of Scorpio is in seeing through fluff and getting to the heart of matters, and that will be majorly helpful for you in handling any challenging financial issues and coming out the other side like a champ. The 2nd house can sometimes be less about your monetary worth and more about your self-worth/personal values. If anything in those areas is out of whack, this new moon is coming in to set it straight and create balance—and with Scorp’s deep waters in the mix, it could strike a v profound cord. Might be tough for a second there, but will def be a win in the end. One last thing—this new moon is in opposition to the newly discovered planet, Sedna, which many astrologers believe to be a cosmic force for global warming. Don’t be surprised if some issues come up around climate change near this date, and in the meantime, take the bus, ride your bike, and pray for glaciers.
All. The. Feels, Cap Mama! November’s Taurus full moon lands in your house of life philosophy, learning, and travel. It’s about exploring and expanding your horizons. Taurus loves indulgence, luxury, and sensuality, and this moon will be sextile Neptune, lover of affection, emotional connection, and empathy. It’ll also be in cosmic relationship to Venus in Libra, which will highlight partnerships—especially romantic ones. Be on the lookout for opportunities to grow in how you approach affection, compassion, indulgence, and connection to the people you love. This one could push boundaries, and you may find yourself letting go of fears that have prevented you from “indulging” in showing your feels (ugh, ego is the ultimate cock block). Not comfy per se, but such good spiritual practice. The new moon in Scorp on the 18th lands in your house of communication. OH DAYUM. I honestly love this so much. Scorpio is ruthless in her honesty—kind of like the RuPaul of the zodiac. She sees through bullshit, is fearless af, and is also low key a guru who makes evolution and constant self-improvement her goal (YAS QUEEN). This new moon will be in relationship to the Saturn/Uranus trine going down on the 11th, who’ll be bringing the ability to create order out of chaos. The combo is so tite, girl. Basically, you’re going to be communicating from a place of “I see what you’re doing, I’m not having it for one second, you better come correct from here on out,” which will have a stabilizing effect on the situation at hand. Loves it. One last thing: this new moon is opposite Sedna, a newly discovered planet that astrologers believe is related to global warming. Be on the lookout for climate change issues coming up around this day, and if nothing else, trade that freeway commute for a ride on that good ‘ole public transit system.
Oh hey, Aquarius! On the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), the Taurus full moon will land in your house of career and success, and falls sextile to Neptune in Pisces. You could be seeing lots of career success (and financial abundance, since Taurus rules the house of money) in Neptune-ruled areas like the arts, spiritual practices, emotional connection, or even fashion, weddings, or law (since Venus in Libra will be up in this cosmic mix, too). One thing to think about – Neptune in Pisces brings out aspects of self-sacrifice—the good and the bad. Be aware of making it rain $$ in exchange for your health and well-being (not cool, put that in check), or of the abundance you can usher in when you’re willing to give a little more of your time. You’re the boss of you, so figure out a balance that works toward your ultimate good—anything else has gotta go. On the 18th, a new moon in Scorpio lands in your house of home and makes a cosmic connection to the Saturn/Uranus trine from the 11th, which will bring in all kinds of stabilizing vibes. Scorpio’s power is in seeing through any and all distractions to get to the heart of the matter, and that plus the trine will be mega powerful for you in giving the boot to whatever is preventing your house from being a calm, grounding, organized space for you. (‘Bout to get your Feng Shui on/hit up The Container Store like whoa). This house can also be about your internal landscape and emotional state, and with Scorpio in the mix, it could get v intense. Be prepared to do some emotional sorting, to make sense of your feelings, and come to a place of peace as a result. Side note: this new moon falls opposite the newly discovered planet, Sedna, which astrologers suspect is a force for climate change. Don’t be surprised if global warming issues come up around this date, and dust off that bus pass in the meantime.
Hey hello hi, Pisces! On the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), the Taurus full moon will light up your 11th house of friends and social spheres. Taurus overdoes indulgence, loves luxury, and doesn’t take no for an answer. Get ready to go big or go home when it comes to hanging with your crew—whether it’s by hosting a party or attending one. Also get ready for the ensuing hangover, since Taurus has no concept of moderation and even if she did, would give no shits. One bummer possibility: this moon will sextile Neptune in Pisces, and while that can lead to all kinds of empathy and connection with your homies (yay!), it can also dole out a healthy (er, unhealthy) dose of manipulation and betrayal with them as well. Keep an eye out for any b.s. on that front: backstabbing, rumor spreading, or just generally saying one thing and doing another. These moments are tests from the Cosmos to make sure you’re willing to keep healthy boundaries, so put the smack down on anything less than what you deserve in your friendships. A new moon in Scorpio on the 18th lands in your house of fun, play, and romance. It falls in relationship to the Saturn/Uranus trine gong down on the 11th, which will help us create order out of chaos. If you’re all work and no play, this new moon is coming in to whip you into dodge ball, spa sesh, date night shape. On the other hand—if you’ve been staying out till all hours, this moon will have a stabilizing effect so that you can shift gears and start adulting. One last thing—this new moon is in opposition to the newly discovered planet, Sedna, which many astrologers believe to be a cosmic force for global warming. Issues around climate change may well surface around this date, so depending on where you are: pray for rain, pray for sun, or just, ya know… pray.
Whut up, Ram Babe? November’s Taurus full moon on the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), is landing in your house of secrets, mysticism, and spirituality. It will sextile Neptune in Pisces, who actually rules this house, giving you even more woo woo vibes. This is the time to invest in your spiritual practice big time, whether it’s through meditation, connection with your friendly neighborhood witch, or occult work (def a killer time to cast spells if that’s your jam, but only with pure intentions and a loving heart—you know the drill). Heads up: both Neptune and this house can introduce some bogus shit like betrayal, secrets, and deception. So for starters, make sure any spiritual work you do is with trusted healers only. Beyond that, be aware that some low-vibration bozos might feel like spreading rumors or trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Should that arise, just use your powerful intuition and inner Solange-in-an-elevator to be like, “I know what you’re doing and I am having none of it. at all. zero.” Taurus’ bull energy will help keep you grounded, FYI, so you’ll have that in your corner for sure. On the 18th, a Scorpio new moon will light up your house of work and service, while also having a little cosmic connection with the Saturn/Uranus trine that kicks off on the 11th. Scorpio is about seeing the ultimate truth and nothing but the truth, and this trine is about creating order and stability in the face of chaos. If your work schedule or the amount of giving you do in a relationship (or even a philanthropy) has you feeling drained, this new moon is coming in to clear the chaotic debris. Be ready to get honest with yourself about what isn’t working, let go of anything that keeps you from feeling pumped on life, and reintroduce a feeling of groundedness and balance. On another note, this new moon falls opposite Sedna, a newly discovered planet that astrologers believe is related to global warming. There’s def a chance climate change issues could come up around this day, so buckle up, bbs.
Sup, Taurus! November’s full moon on the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), is landing in your earthy territory, so it’s all systems Bull! You’re the zodiac’s lover of luxury—there couldn’t possibly be enough champagne, sex, or bling to satisfy a hardcore Taurus, so big buys, lube, and parties (with their associated hangovers) are all on the lineup. Because this moon is sextile Neptune in Pisces and falls in relationship to Venus in Libra, you may be hit especially hard with some intense love vibes. Libra is the lover of love, partnership, and flirtation, and Neptune in Pisces is compassionate, sensual, and dreamy. Be on the lookout for an especially intense sexual connection around this moon—but watch out. Neptune can bring issues of manipulation and deception, and you’d do well to make sure you’re not putting anyone undeserving on a pedestal only to watch it come crashing down soon after. On the 18th, a Scorpio new moon lights up your house of partnerships (both personal and profesh), and is in relationship to the Saturn/Uranus trine from Nov. 11th, which will cast stability and order onto any energy that’s been running amuck in your life. Scorpio’s power is in its ability to pierce through all the bullshit and get right to the truth of the matter. If any of your partners have been wreaking havoc on your world, this new moon will come in like a scythe, cutting away all the excess, the energy-zapping, and the anxiety-producing, restoring peace to your land once again. On the other hand, if you’re the one creating the chaos in those relationships, that same scythe is comin’ atcha to cut away your excuses, your arrogance, and your fear. Scorpio doesn’t mess around, bb, so chiggity check yourself and everyone else around you. One last thing: this new moon lands in opposition to a newly discovered planet, Sedna, which astrologers believe is related to global warming. Watch out for something climate-change related on this day, and in the meantime, dust off that beach cruiser, babe, ‘cause it may just be time to go cold turkey on anything eatin’ up those fossil fuels.
Show me the money, Gem! Taurus’ full moon on the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), is landing in your house of hundo$, bb—valuable possessions, earned income, and finances all fall under this house, and with Taurus’ indulgent, luxurious influence, you’ll be flashin’ that grill from one of those hummer limos or, ya know, just getting dinner somewhere that isn’t, like, Chipotle. Because this moon is sextile Neptune in Pisces and in relationship to Venus in Libra, your best bet for money-makers are things like art, spiritual healing, fashion/beauty, weddings, and law. Taurus loves to indulge, so when those bucks start rollin’ in, feel free to treat yo self—just be careful of Taurus’ propensity for overspending, and keep that spree in check. On the 18th, a new moon in Scorpio lands in your house of sex, transformation, and inheritance, and will be in relationship to the Saturn/Uranus trine going down on Nov. 11th, whose goal is to create order out of chaos. Scorpio is the zodiac’s truth-teller—she can see what others can’t and isn’t afraid to act on it like a mothereffing ninja. She also rules this house, so it’s about to go down, girl, in the best way possible. Whatever major change needs to happen in your life to create harmony and balance—the groundwork is definitely going to get laid. Either that or you’re going to get laid, since this house is about sex, too, and when it comes to sex, Scorp doesn’t ef around (er, does, I guess). There’s also a small chance you’ll be handed a check for doing literally nothing at all (gifts, inheritances), so this might just be a month of money for ya. One final thing: this new moon is in opposition to the newly discovered planet, Sedna, which many astrologers believe has a cosmic relationship to global warming. Expect some issues around climate change to surface near this date, and maybe put some of that cash toward a solution for saving the planet, k Gem? K thx.
Time to get that mouth movin’, Crab Mama. On the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), November’s Taurus full moon lands in your house of communication and is sextile dreamy Neptune in Pisces. It also has a relationship with Venus in Libra, which points to issues around relationships, especially romantic ones. Neptune is affectionate and empathetic, and what may well be coming up is a cosmic call to NOT disappear into your shell when it’s time for a hard talk (gurl, you know you do that), but instead, to use your compassionate Cancer superpowers to create open-heartedness in the situation. Either that, or someone has been feeding you some real bullshit and the time has come to release the fury in the form of kamikaze word daggers (afflicted Neptune can bring manipulation and deception with it—so heads up there, bb, ‘cause you def don’t need that nonsense). On the 18th, a new moon in Scorpio, your water sister, lands in your house of world views, life philosophies, and travel, making a cosmic connection with the Saturn/Uranus trine from Nov. 11th, whose purpose is to create order out of any chaotic situation. Scorpio’s gift is her INSANE ability to see through any and all bullshit, getting straight to what’s real. Whatever personal limiting beliefs you’re holding onto, whatever is blocking you from expanding, exploring, and living a big life, whatever has you in mental and/or emotional turmoil—this new moon is coming in to clean out the debris and leave clarity and stability in its place. Fist pump for sure. One last thing: this new moon is in opposition to Sedna, a newly discovered planet that astrologers believe is related to global warming. Be on the lookout for climate change issues coming up around this day, and if nothing else, get your carpool on, Water Mama.
Hey hey Lady Lion! On the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), November’s full moon in Taurus will light up your house of home. Taurus loves indulging in luxury, decadence, and debauchery. You might be throwing house parties, remodeling, or just treating yo self to some killer upgrades—all fun things. Taurus has a dark side though: the hangover, the spending addiction, and the valuing of material things over self-worth. I bring it up because this moon is sextile Neptune in Pisces, which could bring a dreamy art slant to this house (yay!), but could also bring aspects of delusion and manipulation (ugh). The house of home is often about your literal home, but it’s sometimes about your internal emotional landscape. Look at places where you can embrace sensuality, art, connection, and spirituality around this day, but also be ultra wary of the possibility of dishonesty—especially places where you’re not being honest with yourself. On the 18th, a new moon in Scorpio lands in your house of career and is in relationship to the Saturn/Uranus trine that kicked off on the 11th. This combo is tite as hell, girl. Scorpio’s transformational seeing power is going to help you understand what’s working for you in your career and what isn’t—and then get rid of whatever holds you back from expanding and manifesting success. Normally this could create some initial rockiness as the change gets underway, but with the Saturn/Uranus trine, it should be a super smooth transition. Aw yeah, girl. One other thing: this new moon falls opposite the newly discovered planet, Sedna, which astrologers suspect is a cosmic force for climate change. Be on the lookout for global warming-related issues, and get that emergency kit dusted off and ready to go in the meantime.
Hey Earth Babe! November’s full moon in Taurus on the 3rd (or 4th if you’re on the east coast), lands in your house of creativity, play, and flirtation. This is a super lighthearted house that’s being influenced by dreamy, artistic Neptune. Major creative vibes are flowing, so loosen up, Virgo. Smoke that medical-grade Mary Jane and get your stream of consciousness on (or ya know, just do your thang, no weed required). Taurus is a super sensual sign, so things like massage, gardening, and sex, will all be favored (amen, sister). This moon also has a connection to Venus in Libra, which is all about relationships. If something flirty comes up with a cutie, don’t fight it—this is a great time for romance. On the other hand, Neptune can bring deception and delusion with it, so be careful about being led on, and def be careful about leading anyone else on—that shit ain’t right. A full moon in Scorpio on the 18th lands in your house of friends and social spheres, and falls in relationship to the Saturn/Uranus trine from the 11th, which will have a v stabilizing effect, smoothing out any tumult ya got goin’ on with your crew. If there are people in your circle creating drama for you, this new moon is going to lay the groundwork to send them packing so you can rightfully reclaim your chill. On another note, this new moon falls opposite Sedna, a newly discovered planet that astrologers believe is related to global warming. Climate change issues could def come up around this day, so keep an eye out for that, and let’s all write our congress people strongly worded letters about renewable energy in the meantime, mkay? Mkay.
Hey hey Libra Lady! November’s new moon in Taurus will be lighting up your house of work and service. Taurus is the bull because it’s persistent af—it’s not that no won’t be taken for an answer, it’s that there is no no in Taurus’ world. That energy teamed up with the moon’s sextile to self-sacrificing, people-pleasing Neptune in Pisces could have you rethinking how you show up at work or in relationships. If you constantly give more than you get back, if some part of you feels sure that your boundaries don’t matter, if you’re hell bent on prioritizing your work or relationships over your health, it’s time to srsly take stock, boo. Neptune can trick you with its murky definitions and blurred lines—use that Taurus power for good instead of evil, mama—just say NO to that slick-ass part of yourself that has you convinced you don’t get to have your own life, your own power, or your own rules. On that note, the 18th brings a new moon in Scorpio, which will land in your house of spirituality, secrets, and mysticism. Scorpio is the master of insight—she knows what’s up before anyone else does and isn’t afraid of the truth. Use those powers to help you get clear on what’s preventing you from connecting fully with your intuitive, feminine powers, or to put an end to any drama driven by secrets or shady behaviors. To help you, this moon is connected to the Saturn/Uranus trine going down on the 11th, which will bring order out of chaos. This is a dynamic duo for sure, so get ready to own your shit, boo, and to take control in ways you didn’t even think possible. One other thing: this new moon lands in opposition to a newly discovered planet, Sedna, which, according to many astrologers, is in cosmic relationship to global warming. Be on the lookout for some climate change-related news or incidents around this date, and till then, let’s send some love to Mama Earth, bb.
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